Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Love is not easily offended.

The other day, a good friend asked me what "Love is not easily offended" was one of those things that I thought I knew but couldn't necessarily explain it to her. But it hit me that no matter what the definition of it is, I am not being a very good example of the phrase "Love is not easily offended."

A day or two before that, I was talking about how it was really hard for me to be where I am right now because it seems like the people I'm around way oversensitive and I always feel like I'm walking on eggshells around them. Partly because I don't know how to control my sarcasm sometimes and people get really upset at the tiniest things. Yes, sometimes their offense is legitimate but other times, it seems like the silliest thing to get upset about in my eyes. (No, I don't mean to hurt people and it isn't okay to hurt people with your words.)

But in reality, I get just as upset at people who tell me they are offended because they have the same annoying habits as I do just in different contexts. Even the people you love annoy you sometimes, I am just not as open about it. I will hold it inside because I don't want to offend that person even more. Most of the time when things drive us crazy about other people, it's looking right at the things that drive us crazy about ourselves.
 "For as he thinks in his heart, so is he..."-Proverbs 23:7

Let's all try to live up to the standard that "Love is not easily offended." I'll start.

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