Saturday, April 7, 2012

Whom then shall I fear?

I walked into the sanctuary alongside my good friend with a large hot turtle mocha (basically, liquid sugar)  in my right hand surrounded by a sea of unfamiliar face in an unfamiliar place. Every introvert's, well maybe just my, nightmare. I honestly had a terrible attitude walking in, this has been my third time going to church in the last two days and I was tired of it. I just wanted to relax. Maybe work on some homework. The worship team started to play a song I didn't really know...I looked around and nobody was raising their hands or really doing anything, something I definitely wasn't accustomed to. I was definitely uncomfortable in such an unfamiliar environment.

 Then came the sermon, my defining moment for today. The head pastor began to preach on finding things in your life that we need to bury (let go of)...and at the end of the sermon, we were told to write on a piece of paper one word that we need to let go of.

My word? Fear.

I am afraid of the unknown.
I am afraid that my life won't go the way I expect it to.
I am always afraid that something bad will happen or that an obstacle will come up.
I am afraid that I won't have the support, material, or skill to do what I want to do.
I am afraid of being rejected.

Most of all, I am afraid to trust in God completely.

I want to be in control of my life.
I want to be the one to make things happen.
I want to be able to continue on a straight path until I reach my life's calling.
I want to be secure in who I am.

But let's be honest.
I can't do ANYTHING on my own strength.
The only reason I can do anything is because God gave me the ability to.
He knows what He's doing.
I don't.