Friday, March 11, 2011

Stuff [Most] Christian Girls Think About (Collaboration with Jamie)


[Disclaimer: Most of this is just a joke. Don't get mad, get glad!]
1. I'm dating Jesus until someone who looks more like -insert celebrity name- comes along.
2. If he's on the worship team, he has to be well dressed.
3. He asked me out so we're definitely getting married tomorrow.
4. It doesn't matter if you're good looking, playing the acoustic guitar puts you at an advantage.
5. He raised both hands up in worship, I LOVE HIM.
6. I have to get married by age 19 or I'm gonna become a cat lady.
7. Modest is hottest
8. I can listen to Ke$ha because she has Jesus on her necklace.
9. Hardcore Christian boys have gauges in their ears, wear skinny jeans and flannel.
10. I'm going to Bible college for [insert major here] with an emphasis on my MRS degree.
11. -shifty eyes-
12. You must have to have your wedding planned by age 11 or you're doomed to celibacy.
13. Kids must have biblical names in order to prosper.
14. God told me to marry you but He only told one of us, I don't understand.
15. It's an unwritten commandment, "A woman shalt not pursue a man. Men, man up."
16. Bromance makes us jealous.
17. You beer drinking, chain-smoking hipsters!!
18. -shifty eyes-
19. Background checks are a must: Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Google
20. "We're not stalkers, we're thorough."
21. St. Arbucks is actually a saint. Coffee almost as good as holy water...almost...
22. No matter what they try to indoctrinate us with, Christian side hugs are still stupid. (Jamie loves them)
23. Despite what guys think, facial hair does not make you a man!
24. The Jonas Brothers are Christians [swoon]
25. Checking out guys is okay as long as you give Jesus the credit.


Jamie Nicole said...

We have brains, beauty, and we're modest! :P

xo J

Anonymous said...

this is hilarious!!!