This is a difficult subject for me to write about because it's hard to be open in such a public venue about this kind of stuff but God likes to take people out of their comfort zones.
There's something about love that draws people in; maybe it's the feeling that they get when they can't stop thinking about that person, imagining the things that they could become and trying not to physically melt whenever they're around that person. I don't know much about how guys' minds work, but I know that girls do because it's the way our minds are programmed. However, when we get caught up in all of this stuff we forget what love really is: love is a reflection of who God is.
It's clear in scripture that God is the ultimate example of love, God IS love. (1 John 4:8) He loves us unconditionally, He is selfless and He will do anything for us, but He knows what's best and isn't afraid to say no when He knows something will harm us.
Also two things that I always remember when I get frustrated about this subject, which happens a lot:
1.Song of Solomon 2:7:
7 Daughters of Jerusalem, I charge you
by the gazelles and by the does of the field:
Do not arouse or awaken love
until it so desires.
Although this verse refers to staying pure until marriage, it reminds me to be patient.
2. "Do not get in any sort of relationship unless you know you can do more for God together than you can by yourself."-a guy who spoke in chapel a couple of years ago and it stuck with me.
Maybe that wasn't as hard as I thought it would be...
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